Mission Statement:
To perform acts of service in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior for the purpose of accomplishing his mission in the world.
So, the Mission statement of the Costello Family Foundation (CFF) begs the question. What was Jesus’ mission for the world? Here is the short answer. The fundamental mission of Christ’s time on earth was to fulfill God’s plan of saving the lost. Jesus put it this way in Luke 19:10: “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” That’s the mission of CFF. To seek and save the lost. To expose them to the gospel of Jesus Christ. To let them know how, through Christs death and resurrection, he defeated death, sin, and the grave. To let them know that by accepting Jesus as their savior, and by following his example, we are rewarded with eternal life in heaven.
There are many avenues for CFF to pursue to accomplish our mission. It starts with Costello Family Ministries (CFM). Through CFM the foundation will invest time, energy, and money in the relentless pursuit of honoring Jesus, and ultimately accomplishing our mission. It is our hope and prayer that those reading this will agree our mission is one you want to be part of.
In His service
-Michael & Lisa Costello
Today, let us rise and go to our work. Tomorrow, we shall rise and go to our reward. -Richard Fuller